Overview of Quick Forms

Quick Forms provide a quick way to layout information to be printed for a name, event, or matter. The Quick Form's ability to add any text you want around the fields means you can design special Quick Forms with entire scripts or forms for common email messages. When using Quick Forms as email templates, you can incorporate Abacus data into standard email text.

Abacus has the following Quick Forms that you can use as is or customize to meet your specific needs:

  • CLIPBORD.FM1: Formats name information when copying to the Windows clipboard.

  • CLIPEVNT.FM1: Formats event information when copying to the Windows clipboard.

  • CLIPMATR.FM1: Formats matter information when copying to the Windows clipboard.

  • COVRSHET.FM1: Formats coversheets.

  • ENVELOPE.FM1: Formats envelopes.

  • ENV_NEW: Formats envelopes.

  • EVENT.FM1: Formats the output for events.

  • LETTER.FM1: Formats letters.

  • MATTER.FM1: Formats the output for matters.

  • NAME.FM1: Formats the output for names.

There are more forms used to format emails and html output, but these Quick Forms cannot be edited.

With Quick Forms, you can: