Promoting Prospects to Clients

When you promote a prospect into a client, you move the prospects name record and all the related data to the main Abacus database where it becomes a client name record.

Before performing this procedure, be sure that you have created a flow database that links the prospect database to the main Abacus database (the client database).

  1. In the prospect database, click the Names button on the toolbar to open the Names Browse.

  2. Do one of the following:

    1. If you want to promote a single prospect, right-click the prospect and click Promote prospect.

    2. If you want to promote multiple prospects, tag (or check) the desired ones in the Names Browse and then click Actions and select Promote tagged prospects.

  3. The selected prospects are added to the linked main Abacus directory. All events, notes, docs, and matters linked to each prospect will be copied over as well. New U_IDs (unique record IDs) are assigned to all records. If the prospect record’s U_ID already exists (this is not likely), the record will not be promoted. If any of the linked records’ U_IDs exist, those linked records won’t be copied over.

  4. You should now be able to see the prospect listed as one of the name records in the main database. It’s a good idea to leave the prospect in the prospect database so you can track your marketing success using AbacusLaw Rainmaker or your own reports. If you no longer want the prospect to be in the prospect database, you must delete the name record from the prospect database manually.