Managing Bills through Bill Preview

Print the prebill or bill to a bill preview. With the bill preview open, you can now do any of the following to manage the open bill:

To edit a time ticket:

  1. Double-click in the Fees area on the bill preview. The Fees subreport appears.

  2. Click the linked ticket number for the time ticket you want to edit.

  3. A window appears with the time ticket information. Edit the information as necessary and click Done.

To add a time ticket:

  1. On the bill preview, click Add Time Ticket. The Time Tickets – Entering New Time window appears.

  2. Enter the information for the time ticket and click Done.

To edit a cost/adjustment:

  1. Double-click in the Cost Detail area on the bill preview. The Cost Detail subreport appears.

  2. Click the linked ID number for the cost/adjustment you want to edit.

  3. A window appears with the cost/adjustment information. Edit the information as necessary and click Done.

To add a cost/adjustment:

  1. On the bill preview, click Add Cost or Adjustment. The Costs & Adjustments window appears.

  2. Enter the information for the cost/adjustment and click Done.

To print the bill:

Click Print on the bill preview.

To move to the next bill:

Click Next Bill on the bill preview.

To close the bill preview:

Click Close & Stop Printing on the bill preview.

Important note:

Once you add or edit a time ticket or cost/adjustment on the bill, the change is made in the system. Closing the bill preview does not reverse your changes.