Printing Prebills and Bills
You can print bills as often as needed BEFORE you post the bills. As bills are printed or emailed, they are made available for posting. (Prebills are not posted.)
View the prebills/bills you want to print.
Highlight the prebills/bills you want to print.
Under Destination, select:
Preview if you want to view the prebill/bill on the screen.
Print if you want to print the prebill/bill from your printer.
File if you want to store the prebill/bill information in a file.
Email if you want to email the prebill/bill. The prebill/bill becomes an email attachment.
[only applicable to bills] LEDES 1998B if you want to generate the bill in the LEDES format for electronic submission for LEDES billing.
[only applicable to bills] NationWide/Litigation Advisor if you want to generate the bill in the NationWide and Litigation Advisor format for electronic submission.
Click Preview/Print/File/Email. (The button label is dependent upon your selection.)
If you selected Preview, the bill preview appears on the screen. NOTE: You can change/add time tickets and cost and adjustments from the bill preview.
If you selected Print, the bill is sent to the printer.
If you selected File, you will be prompted for more information.
If you selected Email, the email appears and you can complete it and send it. If this is the first time you’ve emailed from Abacus Accounting, you will be prompted for your email settings. NOTE: The billing email is formatted based on the billing email template.