Sending Emails to Customers with Outstanding Balances

Sending Emails for Outstanding Balances

  1. Select Reports > Accounts Receivable.

  2. Select AR Aging for Email.

  3. For Billed and Posted Items Through Cutoff Date, enter the date to cut off the report.

  4. For Aging Criteria, enter the minimum number of days receivables must age to be included in the report.

  5. Under Client, select if you want all clients or a specific client listed in the report. If you select Client Number, enter the client number in the field that appears.

  6. Check Exclude Closed Matters if you don't want closed matters included in the report.

  7. Check Exclude Matters On Hold if you don't want on hold matters included in the report.

  8. Check Show Only Closed Matters if you only want closed matters included in the report.

  9. Check Show Only On Hold Matters if you only want on hold matters included in the report.

  10. Under Destination, select Preview. Click Preview.

  11. The report appears and lists the clients with outstanding balances over the selected number of days. Review the list and ensure that you want to send an email to the clients listed.

  12. Close the report.

  13. Click Send Emails. A warning appears asking you if you want to proceed. Click Yes.

  14. The email is sent. Following is an example of an outstanding balance email.

Customizing the Email Template for Outstanding Balances

  1. Select File > Setup > Billing Email Templates.

  2. For Template Name, select ARAging.

  3. Change the content of the template as needed.

  4. Click Done to save.