LinkedData() Function

LinkedData() can be used for reports or forms to be able to display a linked record based on a specific link type. It must always be used from a Names or Matters database.

Using LinkedData(), a matter report can show a specific linked name or phone number in the matter data section instead of only in subreports. This can also be used in an extra database intake form.

Detailed specification:

LinkedData(cLinkType, cExpr [, oDbf] )


  • cLinkType is a string with the desired link type (i.e., "PET" for Petitioner).

  • cExpr is the string to display when a match is found. For a matter looking for a linked name, it can be any normal field or expression like “LastFirst()”. You can also display the cross-reference record fields by using the XREF alias (e.g., "XREF->Descript").

  • oDbf is optionally a database object that is not needed for reports, but it is needed if used in an extra database intake screen to show data from a specific name linked to the matter. A variable text object could be set up to show the name of the client linked to its matter, even if that client is not the name directly linked to the xDB record. In that context, “oDbf” represents the current extra database record, and it has a property “MattersDbf” that represents its linked matter, so the call would look like this: LinkedData(“CLIENT”, “LastFirst()”, oDbf:MattersDbf )