TreeView vs. BrowseView

The left pane of the Forms Library window lists fillable forms in the library. This view of fillable forms can be displayed in the TreeView or the BrowseView. To toggle between the TreeView and BrowseView, click the Swap View button on the toolbar.

The Swap View button will look like this when you have the TreeView selected:


and it will look like this when you have the BrowseView selected:


NOTE: You can also right-click the left pane and select Swap View.


The TreeView displays your Favorites, Groups, General, Miscellaneous, Federal, and State fillable forms. Click the plus and minus (+-) buttons to expand or collapse a branch.

When you collapse the TreeView, you hide the contents of all the top level folders. To do this, right-click the left pane and select Collapse All.

When you expand the TreeView, you display all the contents of the top level folders. To do this, right-click the left pane and select Expand All.

To sort the TreeView, right-click the tree and click Tree sort order. Then, click By Form Name to sort forms by name or click By Form ID to sort forms by ID.


The BrowseView lists fillable forms alphabetically by file name initially. You can click the column headers to sort by form ID, name, etc.