Uploading Web Intake Forms to Your Web Server
To be able to see a Web Intake Form via the Internet or Intranet, you need to upload it to your web server. To upload a Web Intake Form, you insert a reference to it in a web page and then upload the .htm and .itk files to your web server. Although you can create a complex web page yourself and insert this reference into a frame or iframe, it's easier to start with the automatic feature to create a basic web page. Then, if desired, you can modify the result with your own style sheets and templates.
Select Matters > Intake Forms > Intake Form Manager. The Intake Form Manager window appears.
Right-click the desired Web Intake Form and select Create Web page. The HTML template to create a web page window appears with a selection of web pages that have been specially set up to display Intake Forms.
Highlight the web page template you want to use and click Open. The Save new web page window appears. Select a path where you want your web page stored, enter a file name, and click Save.
Use your FTP program to upload two files to the root folder of your web site: The web page (.htm file) you just created and the selected Intake Form itself (.itk file, stored under your Abacus folder in data01\layouts\Intake.)
To run the Web Intake Form, create a link to the .htm file on other web pages. For example, your home page might have a link entitled "Submit a new case" that has an href to the URL of your new web page.
If you do not want to store the .htm and .itk files in the web site root folder:
You can put them both into a different folder. However, you have to edit the iframe (or frame) statement for the web page (.htm file). To do this, open the web page (.htm file) in a text editor, locate the iframe or frame statement, and edit the path to include the folder in which the .htm and .itk files are stored. You need to insert the folder name right after the equal sign (=) in the path.
For example, in the iframe statement:
<iframe src=" http://wf.abacuslaw.com/cgi-bin/abacus.exe?itkurl=New Case Web Form.itk "width="600" frameborder="0" height = "400"></iframe>
you would insert the full path after ?itkurl=.
If you want the web form to appear in a separate, pop up web browser window:
The popup requires a reference to java in the page header, for example:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"
Here is an example of the link using javascript:
<a href="javascript:void(0)"
onClick="MM_openBrWindow‘http://wf.abacuslaw.com/cgi-bin/abacus.exe?itkurl=New Case Web Form.itk','','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=770,height=525')" class="style4">Client Intake Form </a>