Overview of Client Expense Codes

Client expense codes identify the types of costs your firm incurs on behalf of a client. Abacus Accounting provides a list of standard client expense codes. You can change the descriptions (which appear on the bill) of these codes, but you should not change any of the standard code settings. Apart from using FEE to input balance forwards, generally you would never use the following standard codes as they are for automated features. Add a custom code if necessary.

You maintain client expense codes from the Client Expense Codes Browse window. To open the window, select File > Setup > Client Expense Codes.

From this window you can:

  • Add or edit a client expense code.

  • Delete a client expense code by highlighting the code and clicking Delete. You cannot delete any codes being used in Abacus Accounting.

  • Generate the Client Expense Code Listing report by clicking Print.

  • Use the search bar to find a record.