Overview of AbacusLaw Format (ALF) Files

You may have a form that needs information about a matter. But, this might include the client's address, which is in a name record. It might also require the name of the judge, the addresses of opposing counsel (more Name records) and the date of a particular event (data kept in a linked event). All of a sudden, this form needs data from a lot of different records. This is the problem that AbacusLaw Format (ALF) files solve.

Abacus uses ALF files to manage complex related data. An ALF file lets you gather the linked records that contain the data required by a form and output all or some fields in a format the word processor can understand. With an ALF file, you can export not only the fields from the current name or matter record, but also the fields from any linked name or matter, as well as information from linked notes and events. This means that a matter that has related client, judge, expert and attorney name records can merge the addresses or other fields from each of those linked names into a form. The ALF file also lets you name the output fields, so you don't have to modify your forms to match Abacus.

ALF files let you:

  • gather and identify the records to output for a form,

  • identify the fields desired from each of these records, and

  • name the output fields whatever you want.

For existing mail merge forms in Word, this lets you edit the ALF file to output field names that match existing forms, so you don't have to change the forms. (Depending on how many forms and fields there are, it may be easier to just change the form.)

ALF files are special text files, and are generally stored in the Layouts sub-directory. DEFAULT.ALF is used for any form that does not have a more specific ALF file setup. Generally, it should work for most or all of your forms and you don't need to consider creating other ALF files. If, however, a particular form needs data in a format different from other forms, you can create a special ALF file to be used just for that form. Just create a new ALF file with the same file name and an ALF extension in the Layouts subdirectory. If you have two forms with the same name in different directories, you can put the ALF file in the same directory as the form to ensure it is used.

ALF files use record properties to map forms and fields. IMPORTANT: The "Primary Name" record property represents the current name record at the time you run the form. If you are in a Name window, that's it. If in a Matter window, the primary name is the highlighted record in the Linked Names tab. If in an Event window, it is the name linked to the event. The data for the primary name is exported with the prefix "Contact_". This is different than fields exported as "Client_"! For simple forms that you want to use for the current name window, use the "contact" fields in your forms. Only use the "client" fields for Names linked to the Matter as “CLIENT”.

Only use the primary event record for forms that are generated from an event! If you generate the form from the Matter window, Abacus doesn't know which event to use. To output event fields, try to use linked events and identify the What code. However, the primary event record property does give you quick access to an event's date and note if you're sure you will always assign the form to that event and generate the form from the event.

With ALF files you can: