Overview of Name and Matter Notes

Using notes, you can record useful information about a name or matter. You can add an unlimited number of name and matter notes.

Since you can search for names and matters based on notes, notes can be a way to categorize names and matters. For example, you might add a note with a type of GOLF to each name that likes to play golf. Later, you can easily search for all the golfers in your contacts by querying for NoteType = GOLF. You can also click the Type column heading on the Notes tab to sort by type and see all the GOLF notes together, along with the other categories you use.

The All Notes window lists all the name and matter notes. It lets you manage all name and matter notes, independent of the attached name or matter. Many attorneys and administrators like to review the All Notes window at the end of the day to check on what has or has not been billed.

For notes, you can: