Fee Sharing

Overview of Fee Sharing

With fee sharing, payments received for a matter are automatically distributed between timekeepers based on the matter's fee sharing percentage, rather than crediting the timekeeper for actual hours worked.

Implementing Fee Sharing

The following describes the steps to take to implement fee sharing for a matter.

  1. Set up the fee sharing specifications for the matter.

    1. Select Matters > Matters or click the Matters toolbar button. The Matters Browse window appears. Double-click the matter to which you want to add fee sharing.

    2. The Matters Maintenance window appears for the selected matter. Select the Fee Sharing tab. Select the timekeepers to be included in the fee sharing structure and then enter the fee sharing percentage for all the selected timekeepers. Ensure that the total percentage equals 100%. Click Done to save your changes and close the window.

  2. Run your billing as usual.

  3. When the client payment is received, record the payment as usual on the Enter Client Payments window. Notice that bills with matters that have fee sharing have an asterisk (*).

  4. When you look at the Fee Distribution tab, you will see that the fee amounts are automatically distributed between timekeepers as defined for the matter, regardless of how many hours the timekeepers worked.

Note about Implementing Fee Sharing

Bill (invoices) that are created BEFORE fee sharing is added for a matter will not reflect the fee sharing distribution. Instead, they will reflect the usual hourly allocations.

Note about Fee Sharing in Reports

If fee sharing has been added for a matter, the timekeepers involved in the fee sharing will be denoted with an asterisk (*) on the following Productivity reports: