To set up a matter to support a trust payment schedule, follow these steps:
Select Matters > Matters or click the Matters toolbar button. The Matters Browse window appears. Highlight the matter you want to edit and click Open.
The Matter Maintenance window appears. Click Trust Schedule. The Trust Schedule Maintenance window appears.
For Total Trust Amount, enter the total trust amount to be paid by the client.
For Time Interval, select the client's payment interval. For example, if the client is going make monthly payments, select Monthly. If they client is going to pay every two weeks, select Bi-Weekly.
Calculate the payment schedule by installment amount or by number of installments:
To calculate by installment amount, select Calculate by Installment Amount and then enter the first payment date in the First Due Date field and enter each payment amount in the Installment Amount field.
To calculate by number of installments, select Calculate by Number of Installments and then enter the first payment date in the First Due Date field and enter the number of payments in the # of Installments field.
Click Add. The payment schedule is calculated and listed in the grid on the window.
Click Save to save the trust schedule.
Click Back to Matter to return to the Matter Maintenance window.