The Audit Trail report lists user activity that occurred in Abacus Accounting by user. The Transaction Log lists deletion actions that occurred in Abacus Accounting. The Modification Log lists all edits you have made in the system.
Follow these steps to generate the report:
Select Reports
> Audit
Trail. The View Audit Trail / Transaction Log window appears.
Under Select Report, select whether you want to print the audit trail or a transaction log or a modification log.
Under Date Range, set the date range for the report.
Under User Selection, select whether you want to see an audit trail / transaction log / modification log for all users or only for the currently logged in user.
[only applicable to the Audit Trail report] Under Action Selection, select whether you want to include all actions or a selected action to include in the report. If you select Selected Action, a drop-down option appears that lets you select the action you want to include in the report.
Under Destination, select whether you want to preview the report, print the report, print the report to a file, or email the report.
Click Preview, Print, File, or Email (depending on what you chose for print destination).