Generating 1099/1096 Reports

Click here for a summary of 1099/1096 reports.

Step 1: Calculation

Before you can print the 1099 and 1096 forms, you need to calculate the relevant fields.

  1. Select Reports > 1099 and 1096. The 1099/1096 Module window appears.

  2. Highlight Calculate 1099 Miscellaneous Income.

  3. Select the year for the reports.

  4. For Cut Off  Limit, enter the minimum annual payment amount for vendors to be included in the reports. The reports will not calculate/include vendors that have been paid less than the Cut Off Limit for the selected year.

  5. If you will be using your own pre-printed, blank 1099/1096 forms, for Placement Setting enter the line adjustment for the 1099/1096 forms. (If you want to use the build-in electronic form, this field is not applicable.)

  6. Click Calculate. This calculates all 1099/1096 fields for vendors. The following calculations are made for the report:

    1. Payments to the vendor are calculated as Paid to Attorney if Vendor is providing legal services is checked in the vendor's account information.

    2. Payments are calculated as Rent Paid if Rent Account is checked in the expense account's settings.

    3. All other payments are calculated as Non-Employee Compensation.

Step 2: 1099 Forms

Once the 1099 fields are calculated and any adjustments are made to the vendor values, you can print the 1099 forms.

  1. Highlight Print 1099 Miscellaneous Income.

  2. If you would like to use the built-in 1099 form, check Include Form Image. If you are going to pint field values on a pre-printed 1099 form, do not check Include Form Image. NOTE: You can purchase these forms from Safeguard Business Systems (1-800-432-7701).

  3. Select the vendor for the form. Leave this field blank to generate for all 1099 vendors. If printing for all vendors, two vendors will be printed per page.

  4. Enter the number of copies you want to print.

  5. If you checked Include Form Image, check the copies of the form you want to print.

  6. Under Destination, select whether you want to preview or print the report or print the report to a file.

  7. Click Preview, Print, or File (depending on what you chose for print destination). REMEMBER: If you did not check Include Form Image, then you need to load the printer with the appropriate pre-printed, blank 1099 forms.

Step 3: Print 1096 Forms

After printing the 1099 forms, you can run the 1096 forms.

NOTE: You must print all 1099 forms before the 1096 Annual Summary can be printed.

  1. Highlight Print 1096 Annual Summary.

  2. If you would like to use the built-in 1096 form, check Include Form Image. If you are going to pint field values on a pre-printed 1096 form, do not check Include Form Image. NOTE: You can purchase these forms from Safeguard Business Systems (1-800-432-7701).

  3. Enter the contact information for the form.

  4. Under Destination, select whether you want to preview or print the report or print the report to a file.

  5. Click Preview, Print, or File (depending on what you chose for print destination). REMEMBER: If you did not check Include Form Image, then you need to load the printer with the appropriate pre-printed, blank 1096 form.