Changing the Abacus Dashboard Layout

What is a Dashboard Layout?

A Dashboard layout is a collection of apps. You can create your own layout by adding or removing apps and then saving the Dashboard. Or, you can use one of the preset role-based layouts provided.

Role-Based Dashboard Layouts

Six role-based Dashboard layouts are added automatically during installation and stored in the v23\Dashboards folder.

Each layout adds apps to the Dashboard that would be useful for a specific role. Once applied, the Dashboard can be customized as desired. The Dashboard layout just gives the user a suggested layout.

The following table describes the apps that appear in each new Dashboard layout.

File Name


Apps Included


Attorney: Loads apps useful to attorneys

Date Calculator
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Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
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Attorney with Accounting: Loads apps useful to attorneys who also handle accounting tasks

Date Calculator
Quick Notes
Accounting Overview
Billable Time or Dollars
Hours Comparison
Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
Daily Agenda
Favorite & Recent Matters
Matters Browse
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Names Browse
Abacus Support Center
Abacus Announcements
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Bookeeper: Loads apps useful to bookeepers who only handle accounting tasks

Date Calculator
Quick Notes
Billable Time or Dollars
Income and Expenses
Accounts Receivable Aging
Accounts Payable Aging
Income Breakdown
Expense Breakdown
Hours Comparison
Accounting Overview
Matters Browse (Open)
Names Browse
Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
Abacus Training Center
Abacus Support Center


Owner: Loads apps useful for the owner of the firm or the administrator.

Date Calculator
Quick Notes
Billable Time or Dollars
Income and Expenses
Accounts Receivable Aging
Accounts Payable Aging
Income Breakdown
Expense Breakdown
Hours Comparison
Accounting Overview
Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Names by CLASS
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
Chart of Events by WHAT
Favorite & Recent Matters
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Favorite & Recent Events
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Abacus Announcements
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Paralegal: Loads apps useful to paralegals

Date Calculator
Quick Notes
Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
Daily Agenda
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Favorite & Recent Matters
Favorite & Recent Names 
Matters Browse
Names Browse
Abacus Announcements
Abacus Support Center
Abacus Training Center
Google Search


Paralegal with Accounting: Loads apps useful to paralegals who also handle accounting tasks

Date Calculator
Quick Notes
Billable Time or Dollars
Hours Comparison
Practice Breakdown by Case Code
Chart of Matters by ATTORNEY
Daily Agenda
Favorite & Recent Events
Favorite & Recent Matters
Favorite & Recent Names 
Matters Browse
Names Browse
Abacus Announcements
Abacus Support Center
Abacus Training Center
Google Search

Applying a Layout

Click the Dashboard's More button and click Load. The Select a dashboard file window appears. Select the dashboard file to load and click Open.