Browse Windows
Browse windows are used to display a list of records in a database. Each field appears as a column, and each record is a row.
There are three different types of Browse windows: Names (lists all names in the Names database), Events (lists all events in the Events database), and Matters (lists all matters in the Matters database).
To open the Names Browse, click the Names button on the toolbar or select Names > Browse.
To open the Events Browse, click the Events button on the toolbar or select Events > Browse.
To open the Matters Browse, click the Matters button on the toolbar or select Matters > Browse.
Following is some general information about working with Browse windows.
Preview Pane
The Preview pane (the right pane) displays details for the highlighted record. Notice that the Preview pane is in HTML format, so you can click a link in the pane to open a URL in your web browser.
To change the size of the preview pane, click and drag its left edge (a splitter bar separates the Browse from the Preview pane).
You can right-click in the Preview pane and select any of the following:
Select All: Selects all the information in the Preview pane.
Copy: Copies any highlighted information in the Preview pane.
Switch to RTF: Changes the format of the Preview pane to rich text format. To return to HTML format, right-click in the Preview pane and select Switch to HTML.
Print Preview: Displays a print preview of the information in the Preview pane.
Print: Prints the information in the Preview pane.
With the Browse window open, type a letter or number to find the matching record in the current index. For example, if the list is indexed by last name, you could type “sm” to jump to “Jane Smith.”
Use the scroll bars or scroll wheel to move up and down the list of records. You can also click the scroll bar above or below the scroll bar thumb to jump up and down the list.
When you drag the scroll bar to move up and down the list, scroll tips appear. Scroll tips display the key value of the record that would be displayed if you stopped scrolling.
You can use these keystrokes to navigate in a Browse window:
PgUp: Go up one screen
PgDn: Go down one screen
Home: Go to the first (top) record
End: Go to the last (bottom) record
Esc: Closes the window
Searching Records
Each browse window has a search bar on it that allows you to search for records. Click here for help using the search bar.
Viewing Records
To preview record information, highlight a record in the grid and the record information appears in the Preview pane.
To view full record information, highlight a record in the grid and click Open (or double-click a record in the grid). The appropriate window (Name, Matter, or Event) appears displaying the full record information.
Adding Records
To add a new record, click Add. The appropriate window (Name, Matter, or Event) appears and you can add a new record from this window.
Actions Button and Right-Click Menu
Clicking the Actions button or right-clicking the grid provides several menu options that you can use to act upon the records.
To rearrange the columns in the grid, click and drag column headers. Be sure to keep your cursor in the heading row while dragging.
To resize columns in the grid, click and drag column dividers.
To resize the Browse window, click and drag the window edge or corner.
Columns with blue headers can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking the header. The column sort toggles from ascending to descending order (and vice versa) with each click. Note that once a column is sorted, an up arrow appears to the right of the column header if the column is sorted in ascending order, and a down arrow appears if the column is sorted in descending order.
To limit the list to records that match certain criteria, such as only clients, click Query and set a query.
The order of records depends on the index setting. To change the index setting, click a column heading OR click Index. The Indexes window appears. Select an index and click Done.