Click here for more information about PayNow.
When billing for a matter with PayNow activated, the PayNow box will be automatically checked in the billing windows. If you decide not to use PayNow for a bill, remove the check mark. If unchecked, the PayNow link and text is excluded from the sent email, even if the matter is using a PayNow billing email template.
A few things to note when billing with PayNow:
PayNow requests are only generated for the total new charges on the invoice. If the invoice also has a prior balance due, that amount is NOT included in the total sent to the client to pay. Use any previous PayNow links to pay these invoices (if still valid) or pay via other means if not.
Bills must be emailed for PayNow requests to be sent to the client. If PayNow is activated for a matter, the default distribution method for that matter is set to Email and can't be changed. Other distribution options (like Preview) can be used, but a PayNow request won't be generated in theses cases (it will be treated like a normal bill).
Bills on PayNow matters post automatically as soon as they are emailed. If you want to view the bill before finalizing, use a Destination other than Email or Matter Default (e.g. Preview, Print, or File).
If there are no new charges on a matter (i.e. a statement of account was generated), or the amount due on the bill is $0 or a credit balance, no PayNow link will be included in the email.
PayNow links expire after 60 days. After this, the bill can no longer be paid via the link.
The APX servers are checked hourly for new payments made by your clients. When a client pays a bill, a payment is automatically added to the payment posting queue for review, but must be posted before it appears on the ledgers (so that you can modify the breakout or fee distribution as needed, just like with automatic trust transfers or auto-charging a credit card on file).
When unposting a bill, if that bill has a pending (i.e. not yet paid) PayNow request, it will be deleted from the server, which deactivates the link.