PayNow is an extension of Abacus Payment Exchange (APX) that lets firms designate certain invoices to be paid through an email link to the APX payment system. This allows the firm’s clients to pay invoices directly, rather than requiring the firm to take the payment information and handle payment processing.
PayNow can use Multi-Factor Authorization (MFA). Since MFA requires an additional identity verification through the phone, it provides clients with an added layer of security and validity when they submit their payments. Note that, when using Multi-Factor Authorization, it is important to have cell phone numbers entered for your clients since they will be texted to verify their identity.
NOTE: When using PayNow, all payments are directed to the operating account. If some portion of the payment is trust money, that portion needs to be transferred from the operating account into the trust account. If your state forbids trust money to be co-mingled in the operating account, PayNow cannot be used for trust matters.
The PayNow server is checked for new transactions at a regular interval.
Click here for a video demo of the PayNow feature.