Filling Fillable Forms from the Forms Library

  1. Start the fillable form.

  2. If the fillable form is associated with a fillable form template, the Fillable Forms Template Manager window appears. (Click here for more information about fillable form templates.) Highlight a fillable form template and click Continue.

  3. The fillable form appears in the appropriate word processor or in Microsoft Excel or in the Forms Filler with fields automatically filled out with the selected matter's data. Edit any shaded fields or add text, or click check boxes to check or uncheck them.

    If you are using the Forms Filler, click here for more options in filling the form.

  4. Save the fillable form.

  5. [for PDF forms only] The Document Details window appears, displaying the matter and name records that were selected when you started the form and allowing you to specify more details about the linked document. Enter or change any of these details as you like. Click here for more information about document details. Click Done.

  6. Close the form. The fillable form is now a document. The document is added to the linked matter's Docs tab and to the linked name's Docs tab.