Dictionary vs. Non-Dictionary Field Placeholders

In HotDocs templates, placeholders can be inserted for dictionary or non-dictionary fields. Dictionary fields come from the hotdocsadv.alf file and when they are inserted as placeholders, they are filled with the AbacusLaw field value for the selected matter. Non-dictionary fields are created in HotDocs, and when they are inserted as placeholders, users need to enter field values during the interview process when filling templates.

Inserting Dictionary Field Placeholders

  1. When adding a HotDocs template or editing a HotDocs template, select Add a placeholder in the HotDocs Field Editor.

  2. Under Placeholder type, select the type of placeholder. For example, to insert the name of a matter, select Text variable. Matter numbers (case numbers) or court case numbers are text variables as well (File_Number or File_CrtCaseNum). The number variables are for data such as Event_Duration or File_Age. To insert a date field, select Date variable.

  3. A list of fields from the hotdocsadv.alf file appears. Highlight the field you want to insert into the template. If a message states that the variable does not exist, click Create Now. (A variable only has to be created once per template.)

  4. Position the cursor inside the template where you want to insert the variable and click Add Field.

Inserting Non-Dictionary Field Placeholders

  1. When adding a HotDocs template or editing a HotDocs template, select Add a placeholder in the HotDocs Field Editor.

  2. Under Placeholder type, select the type of placeholder.

  3. In the Variable box, enter the name of the non-dictionary field. If a message states that the variable does not exist, click Create Now. (A variable only has to be created once per template.)

  4. Position the cursor inside the template where you want to insert the variable and click Add Field.