Finding Events

From the Calendar

Review the Calendar.

From the Events Browse window

From an open Event window click the Find button on the toolbar. The Events Browse window appears. Use the search bar to find the event. Click Select once it is found and highlighted to view the event in the Event window.

Using the Find window

  1. With the Events Browse window open, press CTRL+F. The Find window opens.

  2. In the Search for box, enter the information you want to find. Abacus will search all indexes regardless of which index is selected. But, if you want the found record to auto-fill the Search for box as you type, click Index to select the correct sort order first.

  3. Click Done. The Event window displays the first event found.

  4. Click the Next Record button () to see more matching occurrences.

Using a query

Use this option if you want to find one or multiple events that meet certain conditions.

Click here for more information.