Rescheduling Events

You can reschedule events from any window that shows them. Whenever you change the date of an event, Abacus checks to see if it has Reminders or other related events and adjusts them as needed.

Events generated from a rule are linked together so you can change a date on one event and all related events will be found and rescheduled automatically.

Click here for more information about rules.

NOTE: When you reschedule events based on a rule, three asterisks (***) and a description of the rescheduling is added to the end of the note for the event.

Rescheduling Single Events

  • From the Calendar: Drag and drop an event to another day or time slot OR right-click an event and click Reschedule. The popup calendar appears. Double-click the new date.

  • From the Event window: Edit the event in the Event window to change its date or time.

  • From the Events Browse window and Events tabs (on the Name and Matter windows): Right-click the event and click Reschedule. The popup calendar appears. Double-click the new date. NOTE: You can only change the date of the event, not the time, using this method.

Rescheduling Multiple Events

NOTE: You can only change the date of the event, not the time, using this method.

  1. From the Calendar, Events Browse, and Events tab (on the Name and Matter windows), tag the events you want to change. Right-click the selection and click Reschedule.

  2. The Tagged Records window appears asking you if you are sure you want to reschedule all the tagged records. Click Yes.

  3. The popup calendar appears. Double-click the new date.