Generating a Report from the Names/Matters Browse

You can create a report based on selected records from the Names or Matters Browse.

  1. From the Names Browse window or Matters Browse window, do one of the following:

    1. If you want to generate a report for one name/matter, highlight the name/matter.

    2. If you want to generate a report for more than one name/matter, either tag the records or run a query for the records you want to include.

  2. Click Actions and select Reports. Select:

    1. This Name > Matter only if you want to generate a report for the highlighted name/matter.

    2. All (in query) if you want to generate a report based on query results.

    3. Tagged Records if you want to generate a report for all the tagged names/matters.

  3. The Report Control window appears. Complete the window as necessary. Click here for help changing the settings on the window.

  4. Click Print and the report is generated.