Processing Trust Checks with the Trust Demand Check Writer

The Trust Demand Check Writer lets you print a trust check and record it in the matter trust activity in one easy step.

  1. Select Trust > Trust Demand Check Writer or click the Print Checks  toolbar button and then click Demand Check Writer. The Print Demand Trust Checks window appears.

  2. On this window, do the following:

    1. Set Account Number to the trust account you want to write the check against. NOTE: This is the account set up in the Chart of Accounts – not your actual bank account number.

    2. Select the matter for the check.

    3. If you do not need an actual check for this payment because it was processed with a debit card or bank transaction (like an automated payment), select ATM/Debit Card/Bnk Chrgs Transaction. This will post your debit card/bank transaction entries to the appropriate ledgers without actually issuing a check.

    4. Complete the check just as you would a paper check. Note that you cannot write a check for an amount more than the balance of the matter’s trust. Click here for information about check numbering behavior.

    5. Enter a description for the check in the Description box.

  3. Click Print to print the check. The following window appears:

  4. Complete the window as follows:

    1. Check/Post Date: The date that will appear on the check and the posting date. Change as necessary.

    2. Next Check Number: The check number to be assigned to the check you are currently printing/posting. Click here for information about check numbering behavior.

    3. Check Horizontal Offset in Inches, Check Vertical Offset in Inches: If you want to adjust the offset for printing checks, enter the offset values in these boxes.

    4. Post Only, Do not Print a Check: Select this option if you do not want to print the check. Abacus Accounting will update the matter trust activity and the trust checkbook, but will not print a check.

    5. Printer: Select the printer.

    6. Show Client's Name on Check: Check to display the client's name on the trust check, or remove the check if you do not want the client's name to appear on the trust check. NOTE: This setting can be changed for all trust checks (as a default) through Company Preferences.

  5. Click OK and the check is printed and/or posted to the matter trust activity.