Editing Billing Information for Matters

  1. Select Matters > Matters or click the Matters toolbar button. The Matters Browse window appears.

  2. Highlight the matter you want to edit and click Open. The Matter Maintenance window appears. Select the Billing tab.

  3. Complete the settings on the tab as follows:

    1. Billing Format Code: Select the billing format to be used when printing bills for the matter. For more information about billing format codes, see Overview of Billing Format Codes.

    2. Billing Mode: Select the method by which this matter is to be billed.

      Hourly: Generates a bill calculated by multiplying hours for timekeepers by their rate levels for this matter and adding all other costs.

      Flat Fee: Generates a bill for a predetermined amount. When you select this option, you should enter the flat fee amount to be charged for this amount in the box at the bottom of the Billing Mode section.

      Monthly Fee: This can be used in one of two ways: (1) Abacus Accounting generates a bill for the predetermined amount that you enter (at the bottom of the Billing Mode section) every month, or (2) Abacus Accounting generates a bill for the predetermined amount for a specified number of monthly periods as setup on the Mth Schd. tab. In case (2), leave the monthly fee amount on the Billing tab blank. See Editing Monthly Fee Billing for Matters for more information about the Mth Schd. tab.

      Minimum Fee: Abacus Accounting tracks all hours and costs for the matter then generates a bill for the predetermined minimum fee plus all hours and costs above that fee. When you select this option, you must enter the minimum fee amount in the box at the bottom of the Billing Mode section. The Fees Previously Billed field also appears. This field will be updated as invoices for the matter are posted, reflecting how much of the minimum fee has been incurred.

      Contingency: Generates a bill calculated on the percentage of the settlement. When you select this option, you must enter a percentage in the Contingency box at the bottom of the Billing Mode section. The settlement amount is entered during the actual generation of the bill. NOTE: For New Jersey firms, contingency fee percentages are calculated before deducting letters of protection.

    3. Billing Frequency: Select the time period at which bills are to be generated for this matter. Note that On Hold means that the bill will not be produced in a mass billing; rather, it is generated only when requested individually. Essentially, it puts the matter “on hold.” End of Matter also means that the bill will not be produced in a mass billing.

      If you select Payment Schedule, the Pmt Schd tab appears on the window. Add monthly payments on this tab

    4. Bill Distribution Options: Select how you want to deliver bills for this matter.

    5. Non-Hourly Billing Status: [only used with Flat Fee, Minimum Fee, and Contingency billing modes] Select whether the matter is to be Billed (which indicates that matters that are not hourly have had their special fees billed) or Unbilled (which indicates that matters that are not hourly have not had the special fees billed yet).

    6. Billing Remarks: Enter comments about the matter that will appear on the matter bills.

    7. Activity Code Rate Level: Enter the rate level for the activity codes to use for this matter when entering time tickets.

    8. Billing Email Template: Select the billing email template to assign to the matter.

    9. Minimum Retainer: Enter the amount of the client’s money you want to have in the operating account as a balance at all times.

    10. Minimum Trust Retainer: Enter the amount of the client’s money you want to have in the trust account as a balance at all times.

    11. Reference: Enter reference information about the matter. The information entered in this field is for your records only; it is not printed on the bill.

    12. Matter Fee Warnings: The Fee Warning/Authorization report lists the hours worked on a matter relative to hourly warnings and limits. This section lets you set those hourly warnings and limits. Enter the dollar amount to initiate the warnings and the amount for a warning that you have reached the escalation limit.

  4. Click Done to save your changes.